Plato once said that all men are by nature equal, made of the same earth by one Workman. Let’s just take a minute to salute that Workman, for he has certainly created some fine Bitches, and the upstanding people at Karen’s Bitches have taken the time to find some prime examples and set them out just for you.
At last count, Karen’s Bitches offered punters over 33,000 medium to high-quality pictures and 145 videos of some of the ethereal Workman’s finest work. All of the models on Karen’s Bitches are, to put it bluntly, stunning. On top of this, the site is updated frequently and there seems to be no end to the material that the discerning member can peruse. Featured on the Karen’s Bitches website is a live webcam feed of one of the site’s models, and it is nothing short of rapture to see what is going on at any given time...
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